Pumpkin Soup with Almond Butter 甘香南瓜湯

It’s finally getting chilly next week🍂 This hearty Almond Butter Pumpkin Soup will keep you warm and cozy – you can make a big pot and keep it in the fridge for a few days🥣it makes a perfect breakfast or dinner with a slice of toasted sourdough! And why almond butter? Just a spoonful of it will magically enhance the depth of flavour, brings extra creaminess & nuttiness, it also helps to balance the sweetness of the pumpkin! 


.Pumpkin 1 pc (800g-1kg)
.Onion 1 pc
.Almond Butter 3-4tbsp
.Vegetable Broth 800ml
.Milk or Plant-based Milk 200ml
.Salt & Pepper
.Heavy cream (optional)


  1. Preheat oven to 220C. Halve pumpkin and scoop out seeds. Slice pumpkins thickly, spray/brush a little olive oil and roast for 30-40 mins until pumpkin flesh is soft.
  2. Chop onion into chunks and sauté until they turn golden.
  3. Let the roasted pumpkin cool down, remove the skin and cut it into big chunks.
  4. In a blender, add roasted pumpkin, onion, almond butter, vegetable broth & milk, and blend until smooth. Only fill the blender half full and process the ingredients in batches to avoid spillage. We use the “soup” mode of our Blendtec blender and it takes around 180 seconds.
  5. Pour soup into a pot and heat over low heat. Season with salt & pepper, you may also add a dash of heavy cream for extra creaminess. 


  1. For step 4 - If you don’t have a high powered blender, you can simply place all ingredients in a large pot, boil for few minutes and turn off the heat. Use an immersion blender to puree the soup until smooth.
  2. You can steam the pumpkin instead of roasting it – it tastes sweeter but less aromatic. We like both ways!
  3. You can also add spices to your pumpkin soup – ground cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, ginger, etc. 


.南瓜 1 (800g-1kg)
.洋蔥 1
.杏仁醬 3-4湯匙
.蔬菜高湯 800ml
.牛奶或植物奶 200ml
.鹽、黑椒、橄欖油 適量
.鮮奶油 (可省略)


  1. 預熱焗爐至攝氏220度。南瓜切半去核,將南瓜切成幾大件,掃上橄欖油,焗30-40分鐘至軟身。
  2. 洋蔥切件並炒至金黃。
  3. 南瓜焗好段稍微放涼,去皮切件。
  4. 於攪拌機中加入南瓜、洋蔥、杏仁醬、蔬菜高湯及奶,然後攪拌至幼滑。材料過多的話可分幾次攪拌。此食譜用了Blendtec攪拌機的熱湯模式攪拌,需約180秒。
  5. 將攪拌好的南瓜湯加入鍋中,以小火加熱,並加入鹽及黑椒調味。另外可加入鮮奶油令口感更幼滑。


  1. 關於步驟4 – 如家中沒有馬力大的攪拌機,可以將材料置於鍋中煲滾後以小火再煲幾分鐘,然後熄火再用手持式攪拌機將材料攪至幼滑。
  2. 南瓜除了用焗爐烤熟,亦可蒸熟,味道會更甜但香味會較弱
  3. 喜歡香料味道的話,亦可於加入肉桂粉、豆蔻粉、丁香粉、薑蓉等等
