The Nutter Company specialises in freshly handcrafted nut butters in Hong Kong. Our nut butters are simple but versatile, the main collection features nut butters that are made of 100% nuts only, with no added oil, salt, sugar or additives, and is gluten and dairy free. Not only does it bring you the health benefits, it also gives you the flexibility to tailor the nut butters to match your own taste, depending on how you like them.

In 2023, The Nutter Company officially launched its own gelato collection. Made with ample amounts of our nut butters in our own gelato factory in Hong Kong, we currently serve four rich, flavourful and unique gelato that are highly popular with food enthusiasts.

The Nutter Company於香港創立,於本地廠房手工製作各款果仁醬,如花生醬、杏仁醬、腰果醬等等。為將果仁的味道完整呈現,各款原味果仁醬成份100%只得果仁,不另添加糖、鹽、油或任何添加劑,果仁味道濃郁,口感獨特,天然健康。

2023年起,The Nutter Company更於香港自設雪糕廠房、以自家製果仁醬製作特濃果仁醬雪糕系列,雪糕果仁味濃郁富層次,推出後即引起熱烈迴響。