Blueberry Banana Almond Butter Smoothie 藍莓香蕉杏仁醬果昔

We love having smoothies for breakfast, especially on busy days! And this blueberry almond butter smoothie is absolutely our all-time favourite – you just can’t go wrong with the blueberry & almond butter combo!

果昔 (Smoothie) 是我們最愛的早餐選擇之一,特別在比較忙的日子,甚至可以一邊工作一邊喝。而這款藍莓香蕉杏仁醬Smoothie更是我們的至愛藍莓及杏仁醬這個配搭超級美味的!

To make it more filling, we have added some rolled oats. Adding almond butter also makes you feel full longer as almonds can help to regulate and reduce rises in blood sugar. To add more nutrients, we have added chia seeds to the smoothie, you can also add flax seeds, hemp seeds or other superfood you have.




Frozen Banana 冷凍香蕉 – 1 pc
Frozen Blueberry 冷凍藍莓 – 100g
Almond Butter 杏仁醬 – 1 tbsp湯匙
Oat Milk 燕麥奶 – 200-300ml
Rolled Oats 燕麥片 (optional可省略) – 2-4 tbsp湯匙
Chia Seeds 奇亞籽(optional可省略) – 2 tsp 茶匙


Prepare frozen fruits. For bananas, slice it, lay the slices on parchment paper and put them into freezer. Slice it thinner if you don’t have a powerful blender. For blueberries, simply wash and dry them before putting them into the freezer.
準備冷凍水果。香蕉 :將香蕉切片,把香蕉片排好在烘培紙上,然後放進冰格。如果你的攪拌機馬力不大,盡量把香蕉切薄一點。藍莓 :洗淨瀝乾後即可放進冰格。


2. Put all ingredients into the blender and blend until smooth. Avoid adding almond butter first as it will stick to the blending jar.


Tips 貼士:

  1. Adjust the volume of liquid (oat milk or other plant-based milk) depending on how thick you want your smoothie to be. 根據你喜歡的濃稠度,調整燕麥奶(或其他植物奶)的份量。
  2. Adjust the amount of rolled oats depending on how filling you want it to be. 根據你想要的飽肚感,調整燕麥片的份量。